A very early picture of my Grandparents. I have this in a frame on my mantle, along with a wedding picture of my parents and a wedding picture of my husband and I. It's amazing to look at 3 generations of lasting marriages!!
So here's another classic. This recipe was given to me by my sister Christine. There are two reasons I made this recipe today. One my husband Peter isn't feeling well and nothing tastes better when you are sick than homemade chicken soup and the other reason is because Christine gave it to me and this Saturday is her Bridal Shower. She's getting married Oct 2 of this year.

So here's another classic. This recipe was given to me by my sister Christine. There are two reasons I made this recipe today. One my husband Peter isn't feeling well and nothing tastes better when you are sick than homemade chicken soup and the other reason is because Christine gave it to me and this Saturday is her Bridal Shower. She's getting married Oct 2 of this year.
Gram was so looking forward to Christine's wedding. It makes me really sad that she won't be there. She passed on so many things to the woman in our family (not just recipes) that even though she's not with us, she is.
One thing she passed down is how to love your husband. She loved my Grandfather. She enjoyed taking care of him. I know in today's marriages everything should be "equal", (whatever that means). But Gram took good care of Pa. (And he loved her) I think she really enjoyed doing things for him. She did lots of things like, ironing his clothes, preparing meals, and having the house in order. I enjoy taking care of my husband. I love making his favorite meal or folding his laundry just so. It brings me joy to be able to express my love in that way. I know it was the same for Gram. I am sure it will be the same with Christine. It may be old fashion but it's what Gram taught by example.
This recipe may not be exactly how Gram made it because as I've mentioned Gram rarely wrote her recipes down. BUT Christine has mastered Gram's soup in my opinion because after I made it and tasted it I was transported into Gram's kitchen. I was sitting at her little table with a bowl of hot chicken noodle soup that she just made. It's simple but tastes like it took you all day.
You need:
3large carrots
3 white potatoes
2 stocks of celery
1 small onion
2 chicken breasts
1/2 package of egg noodles
bullion cubes (gram used the powdered kind in the jar)
2 cans of chicken broth
parsley flakes
salt, pepper, 2 tbs butter
Melt the butter in the bottom of soup pot saute diced onions, chopped carrots, and chopped celery until the onions are translucent add the chicken broth and bring to simmer cut up chicken into bite size pieces and drop in the mixture cook until the chicken is done.Next add the potatoes (cubed)I let this simmer until the potatoes are almost done.You'll probably need to add a couple cans of water and 1 bullion cube per can you add. (I just taste it to see what it needs)add the egg noodles and let it cook until they are just about done. I add a little bit of parsley flakes for color and salt and pepper to taste.In later years Gram sometimes put cream of chicken soup in hers to make it a thicker broth.One time I made this at Mom's house and brought it over to Gram and she said it was pretty close! (she was probably just trying to make me feel good though!)
You need:
3large carrots
3 white potatoes
2 stocks of celery
1 small onion
2 chicken breasts
1/2 package of egg noodles
bullion cubes (gram used the powdered kind in the jar)
2 cans of chicken broth
parsley flakes
salt, pepper, 2 tbs butter
Melt the butter in the bottom of soup pot saute diced onions, chopped carrots, and chopped celery until the onions are translucent add the chicken broth and bring to simmer cut up chicken into bite size pieces and drop in the mixture cook until the chicken is done.Next add the potatoes (cubed)I let this simmer until the potatoes are almost done.You'll probably need to add a couple cans of water and 1 bullion cube per can you add. (I just taste it to see what it needs)add the egg noodles and let it cook until they are just about done. I add a little bit of parsley flakes for color and salt and pepper to taste.In later years Gram sometimes put cream of chicken soup in hers to make it a thicker broth.One time I made this at Mom's house and brought it over to Gram and she said it was pretty close! (she was probably just trying to make me feel good though!)