So this recipe is so "Maine". Living out on the West Coast when I say "whoopie pie" I get a lot of strange looks and "what is that?" I don't want to begin to count how many whoopie pies I have eaten if my lifetime. And now if I want one I have to make it myself. I did a little research on the Whoopie Pie and there is a debate between Mainers and those living in Pennsylvania, what do you call them? Pennsylvanians? Anyway, those in Pennsylvania claim Whoopie Pies are an Amish traditional dessert that somehow was brought to Maine. But do no tell that to any Mainers I know, because we all grew up on Whoopie Pies and they are as Maine to us as Lobstah!
So I think I posted awhile back that my Aunt Prissy and my mom found Gram's recipe box. In that box were many hidden treasures, one being this Whoopie Pie recipe. I've had it for awhile but just made them today for a very specific reason that you can read about this weekend on my other blog : http://www.thepellerinfamily.blogspot.com/
My mom told me the story of how her and her friend Judy would make these whoopie pies and the whole counter was full of the "cookies or cakes". And how Gram would make these for the kids and put them in their lunches. Seriously? It amazes me how quickly I by prepackaged "treats" for my kids when homemade is by far better! Gram had it right! Make it yourself and with love.
My mom told me the story of how her and her friend Judy would make these whoopie pies and the whole counter was full of the "cookies or cakes". And how Gram would make these for the kids and put them in their lunches. Seriously? It amazes me how quickly I by prepackaged "treats" for my kids when homemade is by far better! Gram had it right! Make it yourself and with love.
Another interesting thing about the Whoopie Pie is there are so many different recipes. The ones you can buy at the local corner gas station in Maine are "ok" but they are full of preservatives to make shelf life longer and they are in my opinion just way too big. As I compared and read lots of Whoopie Pie stories and recipes the filling of Gram's recipe caught my attention because it calls for 1 stick of BUTTER. After reading many people agree that the original recipe for the filling called for butter...and over time as been omitted for various reasons. So I couldn't remember what Gram's filling tasted like...hmmmm yeah it's amazingly awesome. The "cookie or cake" recipe is perfect. Put them together and it's a party in your mouth.
Even if you have your own Whoopie Pie recipe, I think you should give this one a try because you will not be disappointed.
As I do every day I miss my Gram. I know it sounds like I am being repetitive but I am just being honest. The other day on my run I passed like 5 little white haired ladies and it took every ounce of me not to burst into tears. I wondered if these ladies had people in their lives who love them, treasure them,and take care of them. I hope they do. I thought of my own family and how much a desire us to be whole again. Because this life is so short, we are but a vapor, we should love each other deeply from the heart. A day should not go by that we don't tell each other "I love you, you are important in my life" Again I am so thankful had that with my grandmother....but I miss hearing it from her. I replay it often in my mind "Love You Beth" She said it so often it's easy to close my eyes and "hear it" "Love you too Gram, miss you , see you soon!" I ALWAYS said back.
The Recipe:
The Recipe:
2 Cups flour
1 teas. Baking soda
1/4 Teas. salt
1/3 Cup cocoa
1 Cup sugar
1 egg
1/3Cup shortening
3/4 Cup milk
2 tsp Vanilla
Mix well and drop onto greased cookie sheet try 2tbs per "cookie" bake 350 about 10 min until done. Completely cool
1 Cup powdered sugar
3 tbs fluff
1/2 Cup Crisco
2 teas. Vanilla
1/3 Cup sugar
1 stick of butter
Beat until very fluffy take 2 "cookies and spread filling about 1/2 inch thick to edges and put top on. These can be individually wrapped in waxed paper or stored in air tight container. These went so fast we always doubled the recipe! ( I did double the recipe, but if you are thinking of sharing I would TRIPPLE it)